0. Shutdown tomcat.
1. In the ogce-portal-only directory, run the command mvn clean install -f global-config/pom.xml
2. Remove our versions of hibernate, hsqldb, and ehcache (probably these crept in from GS 2.1--I don't think we need them). Specifically,
rm global-config/common/target/cog-common-1.0/lib/hibernate2-OGCE.jar
rm global-config/common/target/cog-common-1.0/lib/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar
rm global-config/common/target/cog-common-1.0/lib/ehcache-0.9.jar
3. Copy the remaining jars into your Tomcat's shared/lib. Something like
cp global-config/common/target/cog-common-1.0/lib/* /Users/mpierce/GridSphere31/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/shared/lib/
4. Copy the OGCE portlet as is from the ogce-portal-only dir. That is, from ogce-portal-only, run "mvn clean install -f portlets/proxymanager-portlet" and then
cp -r portal_deploy/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/webapps/proxymanager-portlet/ /Users/mpierce/GridSphere31/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps/proxymanager-portlet
5. Create empty files named after the portlets for Gridsphere. This used to be done in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/gridsphere/WEB-INF/CustomPortal/portlets
Now these apparently go in $HOME/.gridsphere, so do this:
touch ~/.gridsphere/portlets/proxymanager-portlet.2
6. Edit the proxymanager's web.xml file to use the correct namespace for the PortletServlet (i.e., remove the "gridlab" section from the full name):
7. In proxymanager-portlet/WEB-INF/lib, delete gridsphere-ui-tags-2.1.jar
8. Start tomcat and add the portlet using the Gridsphere Layout Manager.