Thursday, July 10, 2008

New GPIR Service URL for GPIR Portlet

The old TeraGrid GPIR service is being retired and replaced. To point to the new server, edit GPIR's portlet.xml file and replace


To rebuild this portlet, use the command "mvn clean install -f portlets/gpir-portlet/pom.xml" from the "ogce-portal-only" directory.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Correction to OGCE 2.3 tar download

The default value for the property <project.home> in ogce-portal-only/pom.xml was incorrectly set. While this can be edited manually, it prevents the portal from building out of the box if one follows the documentation.

Also, the obsolete filetransfer module, which causes the errors described at on some machines, has been removed.

These have been corrected in the download link at The version number has been incremented to 2.3.1 to reflect this minor update.