Friday, September 12, 2008

Tagged Preview of OGCE portal 2.4

The OGCE "portal only" release has been tagged as a preview. This version includes numerous bug fixes and updates. To get it, use

svn checkout

Most updates are courtesy of Lukas Hoffman.


* Edited files: portlets/gp-common/src/main/webapp/css/fileBrowser.css
* This isn't really a portlet, it just contains files that are used by the GridPort portlets

Interactive Job Submission / jobsubmit-portlet

* Edited files: portlets/jobsubmit-portlet/src/main/webapp/templates/xportlets-jobsubmit.vm
* Added *'s for certain fields in the job submission form & a note saying those fields were required.
* Added a way to link to standard output and standard error files
* Added help instructions in "?" viewing window
* If user left stdout/stderr field blank, job output is displayed in portlet when job completes. see 'lukas code' where stdout is mentioned in and xportlets-jobsubmit.vm
* If user enters path from root to stdout/stderr, there's a link to download the file. This is glitchy though, it only works if filetransfer portlet is connected to correct host, and it doesn't work for relative paths.

File Manager/file-manager and Comprehensive File Management/comp-file-management

* Edited files: portlets/comp-file-management/src/main/webapp/jsp/fileBrowser.jsp
portlets/gp-common/src/main/webapp/jsp/fileBrowser.jsp - identical to fileBrowser.jsp above
* Added an image href to the file/directory listing
* Files are now sortable by name, filetype, and size. Default is sort by filetype. User can click on a heading to select a sort.
If user clicks on a heading twice in a row, the sort is in reverse order.
* Refresh button went to home directory, now it's refresh current directory.
* Fixed something in but I forgot what the problem was.
destListing.setRemoteHost(destResources[0]); //lukas code, previous array size = 1 --> this portlet crashes.
//don't know why this fix works, but it works...

File Transfer Portlet / GridFTP Portlet / filetransfer (Deprecated)

Edited files: portlets/filetransfer/src/main/webapp/gridftp-browser.vm
* is all my own code, so the directory contains a javadoc html page for this class
* fixed bug where file download & file transfer don't work if filenames contain spaces.
* fixed bug where clicking on a link twice really fast made portlet crash
* fixed two or three "annoying but not fatal" bugs that I don't remember now, although I probably wrote that it was a fix in the source code comments
* Added a "Type" (Filetype field) so the file list matches the information that any Windows directory listing gives you
* Made the "Date Modified" dates look better
* Files/Directories are now sortable by Name, Size, Type, and Date Modified. They stay sorted that way until the user clicks on a heading.
* Sorting is in reverse order when user clicks a heading twice.
* Made icons and file/directory names clickable, for easier access with the mouse. Before, the link to download a file was on one side & the
file name was on the other, which is annoying for the user. Now the user can click directly on the file name or icon to download it, or
directory name/icon to go there.
* Moved things around to make portlet look better. Mostly, moved all buttons and links toward the top and put file listing under them.
* User can now
make a new directory
rename a file/directory
delete 1 or more files at a time
delete a directory
go to any directory in 1 step by typing in the full path name, or path name relative to current directory, or ".." to go up a directory
(typing "dir1/dir2/dir3" and pressing submit is faster than clicking 3 links)
* Added error messages when the commands above fail & display to the user.
* Added help instructions in "?" viewing window
* Luke Hammill fixed problem where if you accidentally transfer a file to itself (same action as: mv fileA fileA) file gets deleted. (fix not in version i sent you)
* back.gif button can now go to '/', which it couldn't before.
* 'Home' link now always goes to directory that showed up when the host was first loaded, which it didn't before.
* You can delete several files at a time using checkboxes.

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