Thursday, March 11, 2010

OGCE Simple Monitoring Script

A simple perl based service monitoring script is available to check out from sourceforge svn at Service Monitoring Dashboard. This is a cleaned up version of the LEAD SOA Status Page authored by Suresh Marru and Marcus Christie.

The perl script periodically pings the registered services and if a service is done, sends an emails to the registered contacts. The scripts also writes our a html page with the following color convention:
  • Green - Service is up
  • Red - Service is down
  • Yellow - Request timed out (i.e., took longer than the default 20 seconds)
The OGCE Team has deployed and will maintain the script. The status of the services can be viewed at Monitoring Dash Board. All services are pinged every 10 mins and the page is refreshed. Additionally, XSUL based services are instrumented with finer details like uptime and total requests served. In the future Axis2 based services will also be explored for more instrumented data. OGCE hosted gateway (demo/tutorial) services as well as gateway services will be monitored. To add a service to the monitoring list, send an email to {smarru or mpierce} at (Note that only project supported gateways will be monitored).

Gateways can checkout the script and deploy and maintain on their own servers. To add a service to the script, use the following template:

push (@services, {
$NAME => "OGCE Gateway Portal",
$ID => "OGCEPortal",
$URL => "",
$CONTACTS => [],

The GATEWAYS_R_US is a variable to categorize the services. For instance, to generate a separate listing of OGCE Hosted Services and a list of Gateway Services. The perl script is commented to explain these terminologies. The documentation is very naive but will be enhanced more.

Questions or comments, email smarru at

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