Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Job Submission and JavaScript Gadgets

This post continues our series on using the Cyberaide JavaScript API for common Grid operations. For more information on downloading and installing the current code, see
http://collab-ogce.blogspot.com/2009/10/using-ogces-javascript-api-to-myproxy.html. If you already have to code, just use svn update from your working directory to get the latest updates.

In previous posts, we took a tour of the APIs for getting a proxy and submitting simple jobs. These have been assembled into a single gadget, cyberaideJobman.xml, located in the client sub-directory. To build , run mvn clean install from the top level cyberaide directory and then start Tomcat with the startup-tomcat.sh script. The gadget will be available from http://your.server.name:8080/grid/cyberaideJobman.xml. This is suitable for testing purposes, but you should modify Tomcat to run SSL. Near-future versions of the build system will do this by default.

You can now point your favorite gadget container (such as iGoogle) to the above URL. Steps for adding a gadget depend on the container. For iGoogle (assuming you have an account), click "Add stuff" in the upper right corner and then "Add feed or gadget" in the lower left corner. Cut and paste your gadget's URL.

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