Friday, November 13, 2009

Using Friend Connect Gadgets in OGCE Gadget Container

Google Friend Connect allows you to easily develop social applications using Open Social, OAuth, and OpenID without requiring detailed knowledge of specifications or software tools.  FriendConnect applications are just HTML and JavaScript and can be easily converted into Google Gadgets.

The OGCE Gadget Container comes configured to run FriendConnect applications.  However, you must do a few additional steps outside of our build process.  These instructions refer to actions you should take at the Friend Connect website.
  1. Register with FriendConnect.  Click "Get Started" and check the agreement.
  2. Register your URL.  If you are just testing things on localhost, there is no need to do this.  The OGCE gadget container comes with a site ID for localhost.  This gives you a social network of 1.
  3. After registering, you will be redirected to your FriendConnect management dashboard.  It will have a URL similar to
  4. The number 02963187904381158078 in this example is your site ID.
  5. Go to the OGCE Gadget Container's config/ file and change the value of site.friendconnectID to your new site ID.
  6. If you have already built the OGCE Gadget Container before, you will need to redeploy the gadgets.   Use the command mvn clean install -f third_party_gadgets/pom.xml.    
  7. You will also need to reload your browser to see the changes if you were logged into the portal.
If you have registered and configured everything correctly, the Friend Connect tab should look like the page below.

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